
Figuring Out When You Need New Tires

Figuring Out When You Need New Tires

18/09/03 BY  GERRY

Bad tires can make your vehicle difficult to drive or create a driving hazard, because balding or misaligned tires will slip in certain weather conditions. In addition, if your tires are not properly inflated, by being under or over inflated, your tires can wear down prematurely which will require a new set of tires. Even without premature wear, tires need to be replaced a few times during the span of your car’s life.
It’s important to check your tires at least once a month to see signs of advanced wearing on the inner and outer side of the tires, or if one side of the tire is wearing faster than the other. If you notice either of these premature conditions, then you should consider getting your alignment checked at our shop.
Some tires have wear-indicators that will notify you that it is time for a new set of tires. If you do not have these indicators, you can use the penny test to determine if your tires are good. This test requires you to insert a penny into a tread groove with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, then you need new tires.
Of course, the best way to ensure that your tires are safe to drive on is to visit Auto World at least every 3 months or so (wow, isn’t that how often you should be changing your oil) that way we can properly inspect them for you.